Sunday, August 15, 2010

Random Thought: 06


So, things are going swimmingly. I’m currently on this super great train from Zagreb to Split, Croatia. I’ve decided that after Paris, Zagreb is my new favorite European capital. It is absolutely beautiful. It’s just like Paris. I could walk around it for weeks. So many gardens, parks, beautiful architecture, and not at all stressful or overwhelming.

Did you know that Croatia has the nicest trains in Europe? It’s looking like so. On last night’s overnight train (which looked like a soviet hand-me-down), I got 2 bottles of water, a sandwich, some kind of fruit bar, two cartons of orange juice, and a cup of cappuccino all with my ticket, all served to me by the nicest service worker I have ever met. This super-cute Hungarian woman was so happy to provide me all these treats. And my bed was comfy, AND I had an outlet in my room to charge things. Then I get on this train, which looks like it’s from the year 2020, and I’m given a free cup of cappuccino (even though I’m in 2nd class).

I’m just having a great night now. Everything’s going so well, any close calls I’ve had have worked out perfectly (and I’m taking precautions to ensure they don’t happen again) and I keep meeting really cool people. First it was the 22 year old German guy, Marcus, whom I met when I arrived and had just gotten back from Dharamsala. Then it was the guy from Wisconsin whom I talked about Big 10 football with. Then I had a great day with Lauren from my hostel who lives in Afghanistan. Then Jack and Megan from the UK, who I hung out with at the train station today, and now I’ve just had a 4 hour conversation with Fran, a 19 year old Croatian, studying economics. On this one train ride, I have learned so much about Croatian culture, etiquette, history, and perceptions of Americans.

I know this is all super corny and not all interesting to read, but it’s nice to be able to say that I’m really enjoying my time here, and that traveling alone really does have its benefits. The most interesting part of my day so far has been learning all about the tension between the Serbs and Croats, and exactly how much it still pervades everyday life. Fran and I also spent a good deal of time talking about anti-European Union sentiment among the Croatian public. Pretty much, they feel like if the EU can’t even handle Greece, how can they possibly do anything for a new country like Croatia? Also, the N word is a colloquial, not offensive or pejorative term for black people in Croatia. It’s literally the word they use, and doesn’t even draw a stare or strange look. So interesting.

Oh and I met an Australian girl who has been to Iowa…but only Ames. She said it was all right haha.

- Josh A

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