Sunday, August 8, 2010



I'm calm again. Thank god. I still miss Jason though. But, tomorrow I'll be in Germany! Oh, and for those of you who don't know, the 16 in my web address stands for the 16 countries I'll be visiting when abroad. I think.

Love you all,
Josh A

PS don't ever book a bus with Greyhound. I'll comment more later.


  1. Hey Josh,
    So first off I don't appreciate you saying my blog is stupid... jerk store! I even deleted your comment so take THAT haha, however I just read through your current posts and let me just say I am feeling kinda the same. I leave in a day and while I'm CRAZY excited for this adventure I also have a lot of sadness going on within me, however I don't think it can be called sadness. If anything it's exactly what you said, we should be happy and feel blessed to feel sadness when leaving our loved ones, it means we are one of the lucky ones to have good families, friends, and significant others. Fear is a normal part of change and I believe it can only make you stronger and a better person. I'm so excited to hear more about your travels and potentially even meet up with you later on! Good luck with your trip and LIVE LIFE :)

  2. I didn't know I had any comments until just now! So, thanks for the comment (I love it!), and it was nice talking to you tonight too. I do hope we can meet up sometime, and I totally respect what you're doing in Singapore, you kick ass!
